Shinobi Legends Wiki

Budded World: Sea of Flowers



出芽世界 花の海


Shutsuga Sekai: Hana no Umi

Literal English

Budding World : Flowers of the Sea

English TV

Nature's Love: Green Embrace


Appears in

Game only



Cannabis Release, Nature Icon Wood Wood Release




Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary


All ranges

Other jutsu


Taking advantage of the innate properties of Cannabis Release which allows the user to force trees (similar to Wood Release), to grow on any surface in an instant, the user creates a dense field of flowers; the flowers spread along the ground, covering it in pete-moss and thick grass with the budding flowers popping up sporadically. Hono focus chakra through his feet constantly in an aura around him. The grass grow first, creeping quickly before the flowers start sporting and budding up to bloom. The user has control over the entire area it touches; able to grow thick grass patches, vines and monstrous weeds to restrain, snare or encumber any target(s) that try to attack while he walked and operated.

After time passes (one round), the buds release an order that is sensible with chakra sensor, but unseen by the eyes of the Sharingan, Rinnegan and other doujustu. The odd odor produced by these flowers is then released into the atmosphere and when inhaled, renders any afflicted target to fall unconscious from intense CBD sedation. The user can also control where the pollen spreads so it does not affect them nor their comrades. This is also capable of penetrating Susanoo's defenses.

With enough willpower, it is possible to regain consciousness however their will to fight as well as ability will be unbelievable difficult as the inhaled chemical change the brain chemistry of the user for a great deal of time. The afflicted muscles are numbed and cause them to feel weak and limp. While the unconsciousness is no longer in affect, the psychoactive properties are still constantly circulating the targets body. This acts as a secondary smell-based genjustu that constantly gets triggered making it nearly impossible to break.
