Shinobi Legends Wiki

The Nara Order

The Nara Order is a special organization formed by Eric Nara intended to bring together the creative powers of all of the Nara in the realm. The organization's secret techniques are of the utmost importance to the clan, as the variety of uses for shadow imitation, Nara medicines, and otherwise allow members of the Order to adapt to nigh any situation, with the Order as a whole keeping the Nara namesake and strength alive. Their creed is as follows:

Nara are smart.
Nara are resourceful.
Nara are both abstract and concrete.
Nara are inventors.
Nara are farmers.
Nara are caretakers.
Nara are poets
But above all:
Nara are imitators.

Center of Operations

Currently the clan halls, but likely to move to Jisiegakure.


Every Nara Master brings with them a custom set of specialties of various sorts. They teach these specialties to other members of the Order ONLY, and only share secrets regarding the specialties with members of the Order ONLY. Failure to comply may result in death for both student and teacher.

Canon Specialities

Canon shadow imitation - based on Naruto Wikia descriptions and canon usage
Deer tending -breeding and maintenance of the deer herds within the Nara Forest

Custom Specialties

Shadow Seal derived shadow imitation - Custom Leaf shadow imitation; created by Eric Nara
Explosive Shadow Imitation - derived from explosive release and shadow imitation; created by Krisnys
Inner Spirit Beast Imitation Transformation -maintained by Eric Nara
Nara Blacksmithing - The art of imbuing metal crafted items with shadow imitation techniques; created by Neala.
Soundproofing/Buffering - Solidification of shadows for the purpose of defense against sound and aiding in stealth; created by Neala


  • Applicant - Applicant
  •  Calf - Newcomer to everything, still floating on desired area of expertise and/or lineage
  • Nara Trainee - Someone training and/or learning about Nara in general. This rank is for decided Calves who are beginning to learn the ropes of the narutoverse Nara and are otherwise likely to skip on to Imitator.
  • Nara Imitator - Possibly apprenticed to a Nara Knight, still learning the ropes, but now actually in the stage of learning techniques and methods.
  • Nara Knight - A Nara who is familiar with at least one in-house area of expertise specific to the Order.
  • Nara Master - A Nara who has created his or her own custom Nara-related creations. Responsible for the formal recording of new Nara related material and general upkeep of the clan. Teaches about these creations and instructs in proper usage.
  • Nightingale - A custom Nara Master title.
  • Nara Grandmaster - The top heads of the clan responsible for knowing and being familiar with multiple (3) Order specialties and help organize the information recorded by the Nara Masters in a centralized location (such as narutoprofile wikia).
  • Nara Grandmaster (Founder) - A custom Nara Grandmaster title to separate the Founding Grandmaster from other Grandmasters.


  • Nara Grandmasters: Eric Nara
  • Nara Masters: Nara Neala; Nara Krisnys
  • Nara Knights:
  • Nara Imiator:
  • Nara Trainee:
  • Calf: Aiko; Robin